Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

A newly released article by Salon titled, “Abortion, racism, and guns: How white supremacy unites the right” claims that racism and white supremacy is the driving force behind the Second Amendment right to bear arms and outlawing abortion. This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, the hosts dive into the article’s claims, the origins of the racist eugenics movement, the suppression of the black vote in America, and more!

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

Episode 65 | Planned Parenthood’s Nazi Connections?!

This week, we discuss the often concealed connections between the Nazis and Margaret Sanger, the organization she founded, and the “birth control” movement. We confront the pro-choice claim that Hitler was pro-life. Also, we reveal details about colleagues of Sanger’s such as Eugen Fischer, Harry Laughlin, & Lothrop Stoddard and why The American Birth Control League would change its name to Planned Parenthood. Finally, we talk about Josef Mengele: the SS doctor at Auschwitz dubbed “the angel of death,” who later became an abortionist.

Margaret Sanger

Bye, Bye, Sanger

For years, Life Dynamics has been educating people on the abortion industry’s connection to the eugenics movement. Our documentary, Maafa 21, proves that the driving force behind the legalization of abortion was black genocide. And at the very center of that was Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. In the past, the pro-choice side has been…

Civil Rights matter to everyone not just those who survive the womb

51 years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawing racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels, theaters, parks, restaurants, and other public places. The Act guaranteed full and equal enjoyment of goods and services and public accommodations without discriminating or segregating on the basis of race, color,…

Is there a racial motive behind failure to enforce abortion laws?

Black leaders are planning a nationwide event in Selma, Alabama to expose a possible racial motive for not enforcing abortion laws, saying that Black Women Matter. It is called The Selma Project and it was created by Catherine Davis who is the president and founder of The Restoration Project, and is an African American advocate…

Planned Parenthood wants an authentic abortion dialogue – pro-lifers say bring it!

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood claims they want an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” and the pro-life community says bring it on! In an op-Ed written by Cecile Richards and published in Time, the president of Planned Parenthood writes, “America has an urgent need for authentic public dialogue about abortion.” Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization…