Episode 154 | Britney Spears Abortion Revelation Causes Discussions About Uncomfortable Abortion Truths

Episode 154 | Britney Spears Abortion Revelation Causes Discussions About Uncomfortable Abortion Truths

For the last week, countless articles and videos have emerged discussing Britney Spears’ secret abortion. We discuss the facts and details the media – and the abortion lobby – hopes goes unnoticed, as well as their surprising admission that men benefit from legalized abortion. Perhaps the most tone deaf question they are now asking is, “where are all the pro-choice men?”

Episode 147 | Abortion Is “Sacred” To The Left

Episode 147 | Abortion Is “Sacred” To The Left

Is abortion a necessity for military readiness? A Biden administration official says “yes” – adding that abortion a “sacred obligation.” We discuss this and the growing list of men caught drugging pregnant women with abortion drugs, and a new “civility score” for podcasts and what that could mean for those who dare to tell the truth about abortion. Plus, recent interviews with a “pro-life politician,” reveals why we need to be asking the right questions about the unborn to those running for any office.

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

We love hearing from our listeners! This week we share and respond to two listener comments and suggestions and discuss how future generations will remember legalized abortion. We discuss not just abortion itself but all the things that have come with it that our society will be judged by – such as the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts and the CDC coverup of abortion injury’s and deaths.

Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

The abortion lobby likes to portray the abortion industry and its workers as respectable medical professionals who are the champions of women. But as this episode shows, this is far from the truth. From deplorable clinic conditions to the industry’s sketchy characters, this episode reveals that abortion is the red-light district of medicine.

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

With all the recent news and revelations about China, we decided to discuss China’s population crisis and its push for dominance despite the data showing that their population bust is happening much faster than anyone anticipated. We reveal what this means for China’s economic state and how it has impacted their laws limiting the number of children families are allowed to have. Plus, we discuss the shocking loss in Kansas and a New York Times article that claims that, “the line between abortion and pregnancy loss has always been blurry.”

Episode 104 |  Media Stays Silent on Groundbreaking Texas Case

Episode 104 | Media Stays Silent on Groundbreaking Texas Case

The mainstream media remains curiously silent as a man in Texas receives a capital murder sentence in the death of a 5 week old unborn baby. This week on the podcast, the hosts discuss this ground-breaking case and what it could mean for the fight against abortion. Plus, violence escalates as the nation waits for the important Supreme Court decision.

Episode 82 | Reflection and Perspective

Episode 82 | Reflection and Perspective

At the beginning of the classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey stood on a snow covered bridge preparing to jump into the icy river below. He was going to kill himself after concluding that he had made a mess of things and that his life had counted for nothing. Then, at the height of his despair, he was visited by an angel who showed him what the world would have been like had he never lived. In the end, George had come to see that he was allowing his life to be defined by its failures. There is a valuable lesson in that for the pro-life movement. Listen as we discuss the “George Bailey” Syndrome that is affecting the pro-life movement and provide a moment of reflection and perspective.