#74 -Bragging About Eugenics?!
Some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…
Some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…
The abortion lobby tries to justify abortion by calling it “healthcare.” But as we prove, by definition, abortions are not healthcare. They are contract killings.
The pro-choice side claims that the fight against abortion is an effort to control woman’s bodies. If that’s true, we have some questions….
Those of us in the pro-life movement tend to see the conflict over abortion as a war between us and the pro-choice mob. But that’s not quite accurate.
When the abortion lobby says that the issue is not abortion, but “choice” and “who decides,” what they are literally saying is that whether an abortion is the intentional killing of a living human being or not has nothing to do with whether it should be legal or not.
There is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. Watch to see what it is…
Anyone who says that there is such a thing as a pro-choice Christian is, at best, ignorant about what it means to be a Christian or, at worst, a heretic. The truth is, for God there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy or an unwanted child.
The pro-choice crowd says that abortion needs to be legal so it will be safe. Meanwhile, they work to pass laws that make it legal for abortions to be done by people who aren’t doctors.
The pro-choice crowd has always claimed that no one knows when life begins. But modern technology – like ultrasound – has made that statement ridiculous.
When adoption is suggested as an alternative to abortion, the pro-choice side likes to divert attention by talking about the children already in foster care and not getting adopted.
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