#82 – “Abortion Saves The Lives Of Women Who Might Die In Childbirth!”
Abortion supporters claim that abortion is justified because it saves the lives of women who might die in childbirth. Watch to see how outrageous this claim is.
Abortion supporters claim that abortion is justified because it saves the lives of women who might die in childbirth. Watch to see how outrageous this claim is.
Life Dynamics has had decades of direct contact with thousands of post-abortive women and, here are three important things we have learned from these interactions.
You often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world.
The pro-choice side says that women almost never regret their abortions. It’s a lie, but let’s say for a moment that it’s true…
The abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But what do most Americans actually think about abortion? Let’s dive in…
Some politicians claim to be pro-life, but say they would not impose their personal beliefs on others. Watch to see why this claim is an utter sham.
Some abortion supporters will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. Watch to see why this argument is just a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play.
Abortion supporters act like allowing defenseless and innocent unborn children to be legally slaughtered makes us a more civilized society. But as we prove, that doesn’t make us civilized, it just shows how the unborn are easy targets.
The pro-choice crowd likes to whine that men have no right to be involved in the abortion issue. And yet they don’t seem to apply this standard to men who support legal abortion.
Some countries are now bragging that they have virtually eliminated Down Syndrome from their population. The obvious assumption is that they have discovered a cure. But that’s not the case…