Planned Parenthood doc admits to 40% of abortion market and recommends notorious clinic to buyer of baby parts

A Planned Parenthood doctor has admitted they have 40% of the abortion market and has recommended a notorious abortion clinic to buyers of aborted baby baby parts. Today Life Dynamics published a blog revealing a shocking investigation which exposes Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby body parts. But, Planned Parenthood may not be alone in…

HHS grants $18.75 million to Planned Parenthood which covers child rape

Planned Parenthood has just announced that $18.75 million in federal money has been granted to the eugenics founded abortion giant from the Office of Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) under HHS. Last week, Life Dynamics reported that over 5.6 million dollars in federal money was allocated to various Planned Parenthood affiliates under a teen prevention…

Pro-life group cites 60 babies saved from abortion in 2015

Babies are being saved from abortion and pro-lifers attribute it to a constant presence outside the abortion and Planned Parenthood facilities. Brian Gibson, executive director at Pro-Life Action Ministries, recently cited 60 saves so far in 2015 alone from counselors associated with his organization. “Two more babies saved last Friday! One at Whole Women’s in…

Child impregnated by stepfather taken for two abortions to cover rapes

Canadian officials are asking how a child could have been impregnated by her stepfather and taken for two abortions before she turned 13 without a report being made to authorities. The sexual assaults occurred in 2011 and 2012, but only came to light after the victim’s 35-year-old stepfather was arrested for assaults against two other…

Hillary Clinton defended Partial Birth Abortion

2016 Democrat presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton is so extreme on abortion that she once defended the horrific partial birth abortion procedure. In 2003, a law to ban Partial Birth Abortion came before the US Senate, and then Senator Hillary Clinton defended the gruesome late term procedure, opposed by a majority of American people. The…

Couple refuses to abort unborn baby diagnosed with severe heart defect

A couple whose unborn baby was diagnosed with a severe heart defect refused doctor’s advice to have an abortion and are now waiting for a heart transplant for their daughter. At 20 weeks, just before Christmas last year, doctors told parents Rachel Boddle and Tom Butler that their unborn daughter had only half a heart….

Abortion advocate arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs

A pro-choice man has been arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs being held by members of Canada’s ‘Show the Truth’ pro-life organization. About 50 pro-lifers held signs containing the images of abortion victims in downtown Kingston earlier this week when they were met by pro-choice activists. A local media outlet reported what happened next:…