Planned Parenthood responds to 5th vid as ambulance is summoned to abortion center

A pro-life group is reporting an ambulance was summoned to the Houston Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on same day another baby parts vid was released.

A Houston pro-life group is reporting that on the same day that the Center for Medical Progress released video of a Houston Planned Parenthood employee calling babies they harvest for organs “intact fetal cadavers” an ambulance was summoned to the abortion clinic.

Although there is no confirmation that the emergency call was to assist an abortion patient, as yesterday’s videos indicted, a major part of the clinic’s business is abortion.

Screenshot of a Facebook post by Houston Coalition for Life. The post reads: "AMBULANCE ALERT! A patient on a gurney was rushed away from the Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast this afternoon! This is the 10th ambulance we have seen in 2015! Considering IV in progress and the track record of 911 calls we have heard thus far from this facility, it is highly likely the patient was suffering from a botched abortion! Please pray for all who were involved!"
Screenshot of a Facebook post by Houston Coalition for Life.

Writing on their Facebook page Houston Coalition for Life states:

A patient on a gurney was rushed away from the Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast this afternoon! This is the 10th Ambulance we have seen in 2015! Considering IV in progress and the track record of 911 calls we have heard thus far from this facility, it is highly likely the patient was suffering from a botched abortion! Please pray for all who were involved!

These emergency calls are not new.

Earlier this year, pro-lifers documented four ambulance calls over a 30 day period to Houston’s Planned Parenthood mega center.

Yesterday, The Center for Medical Progress released another video showing Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas.

Houston Planned Parenthood intact fetus abortion

Farrell admitted to what she thought were “buyers” of baby organs that six of the abortion facility’s doctors abort babies beyond 16 weeks.

She also suggested that the clinic altered the abortion procedure to get “intact specimens” otherwise known as human unborn babies.

Perhaps the most horrific part of the video was when CMP investigators were taken back to Planned Parenthood’s pathology lab where an assistant took aborted babies from a freezer.

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast freezer

Ben Johnson over at LifeSite News described the interaction:

The last several minutes of the video again shows graphic footage of the investigators inside the laboratories of the Houston abortion facility, combing through the body parts of a 20-week-old baby.

“It was a twin,” an employee says as she retrieves the remains from the refrigerator.

Clearly developed hands and feet are seen in the dish, as the investigator pulls out a lung with a pair of tweezers.

On their website, PPGC brags about about the facility having dry ice and freezers:

  • Dedicated Research exam room with colposcope, digital scale, ECG and Ethernet.
  • Coordinator offices with restricted/locked access, fax machine, computer access with multiple data jacks, ample cabinet space for paper CRFs, ambient drug storage locker.
  • Laboratory with dry ice, multiple centrifuges, microscopes, refrigerators and freezers.
  • Office space for Monitors which include data jacks.
  • Space sufficient for group enrollment.
  • On-site document archive facilities.

In addition: they mention, “Donated Fetal Tissue” under the headline: Expertise.

PPGC Fetal Tissue

Responding to the taped footage, Melaney A. Linton, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast released a statement which reads in part:

“The footage released today doesn’t show Planned Parenthood staff engaged in any wrongdoing or agreeing to violate any legal or medical standards. Instead, the latest tape shows an extremely offensive intrusion and lack of respect for women, with footage of medical tissue in a lab. These extremists show a total lack of compassion and dignity for women’s most personal medical decisions.

“The video released today will be difficult for many people to see. Medical procedures and medical research are often difficult to watch. The video shows a Planned Parenthood staff member with an actor posing as a medical researcher handling fetal tissue in a lab. It is standard medical practice to review tissue to ensure the health and safety of patients, and this tissue was being examined and handled under the false pretense of a standard laboratory site visit for people purportedly conducting qualified medical research.”

The video, which includes the graphic images of Planned Parenthood’s aborted children, has been viewed almost half a million times so far with YouTube now adding a content warning before it to be viewed.

CMP’s lead investigator, David Daleiden, was on Fox with Sean Hannity last night to discuss the latest video.

Hannity David Daleidon CMP Planned Parenthood

Daleiden told Hannity that the procedure being used could be causing babies to be born alive.

Calling born alive infants the “dirty little secret of the abortion industry,” Daleiden told Hannity, that “Whenever we’re talking about fetal tissue harvesting,m we’re talking about cases where no feticide and no digoxin, no poison was used. And, if at the same time you’re trying to get those fetuses out as intact as possible, you’re creating a perfect storm for for there to be born alive infants.” he said.

He said there are 7 more videos yet to be released!


  1. Karen McGivney says:

    This morning I found out some of the Planned Parenthood videos are being blocked. Isn’t that censorship? I have noticed something else from the back ground noises and also the comments of those who work at PP. There is a lot of patient coercion going on. If you are in a hospital or doctor office and have second thoughts about a procedure or even lab work because you have been stuck too much, or just can’t physically or emotionally handle something being done to you; you are allowed to refuse. As a nurse I have educated patients that they can refuse to sit and endure multiple sticks or speak up if something that is happening to them is exceeding what they are able to bear. In the hospital if someone can’t cooperate or is very distraught we stop. We do not pressure them. It is a fundamental patient rights issue. It seems to me that when the reality is happening in later term abortions or any of them and women react adversely they need to be informed they also have the right to refuse to continue. But then PP wouldn’t get paid and all those body parts waiting to be procured for the promise of “freshness”.

    Women are being exploited, victimized, and their babies murdered. Back to the drawing board. Exactly what everyone was against is happening on a massive scale.

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