Planned Parenthood issue isn’t sale of human parts but killing children says NFL player

New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson said that the issue highlighted in under cover Planned Parenthood videos isn’t the sale of human parts but the killing of children.

New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson said that the issue highlighted in under cover Planned Parenthood videos isn’t the sale of human parts but the killing of children.

The videos, some graphic, that Watson was referring to were published by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and show top Planned Parenthood doctors talking to what they thought were “buyers” from a Biotech company looking for fetal body parts for medical research. The Center for Medical Progress has accused Planned Parenthood of illegally selling the aborted baby body parts, a claim Planned Parenthood has denied.

“As horrific as it is, the issue isn’t really the sale of human parts. It’s the legal practice that allows this to even be a possibility. Killing children and simply discarding the leftovers is not any more acceptable than profiting off of them. ‪#‎PlannedParenthood‬,” Watson wrote on his Facebook page.

Source: Facebook

At the time we published this blog the post had over 4,000 shares and almost 26,000 likes.

The shocking three year undercover investigation, dubbed the “Human Capital” project, was directed by CMP project lead David Daleiden.

Planned Parenthood Human Capital aborted baby body parts

The first video released shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how she will preserve certain organs of the babies she aborts, “I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she says.

A second undercover video shows Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director Council President haggling over payments for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts.

A third video shows the mutilated body parts of aborted babies at a Planned Parenthood facility and intertwines statements from a former Stem Express procurement technician. Also featured in the video is footage of Dr. Katherine Sheehan, Medical Director emerita of Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest in San Diego, who describes her affiliate’s long-time relationship with Advanced Bioscience Resources, a middleman company that has been providing aborted fetal organs since 1989.

In a 4th video released by the pro-life group you can hear a medical assistant in their path lab crack the skull of a baby after the abortion. In addition a Planned Parenthood Vice President and Medical Director says babies are sometimes delivered before abortion.

Clinton defends Planned Parenthood

Shortly after the videos were released, Democrat presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, who once accepted the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood despite the fact that Sanger gave Klan speeches, defended the abortion business.

"I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, tenacity, her vision..." - Hillary Clinton (Quote)

“For more than a century, Planned Parenthood has provided essential services for women,” Clinton said July 23rd.

“And I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood had been the object of such a concerted attacks for so many years. It’s really is an attack against a women’s right to choose to make the most personal, difficult decisions that any woman would face based on her faith and the medical advice that she is given.”

Clinton added, “So I am hoping that this situation will not further undermine the very important services that planned parenthood provides across our country.”

A few days later, Hillary Clinton, who once admitted that she admired Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, continued to defend Planned Parenthood making light of the videos.

“I have seen pictures from them and obviously find them disturbing,” the Democratic presidential candidate told the New Hampshire Union Leader, “Planned Parenthood is answering questions and will continue to answer questions.”

Clinton once supporter the now illegal partial birth abortion procedure which some accuse Planned Parenthood of using to harvest their baby parts.

In the procedure, an almost fully developed unborn baby is delivered from it’s mother, feet first, with only the head remaining inside the birth canal. The abortionist then punctures the child in the back of the neck with a pair of sharp scissors. The abortion doctor then sucks out the baby’s brain tissue to collapse the skull and deliver a dead baby.

Life Dynamics has documented how Planned Parenthood which was founded in racist eugenics also targets Black and minority communities with abortion.

Day Gardner

Dr. Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union and an executive member of the Washington, D.C.-based National Clergy Council has called Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of babies “ghoulish and racist.

Gardner questioned the number of Black babies used in Planned Parenthood’s baby parts operation.

It is a fact that most abortion mills are located in urban and minority areas which means most of the children brutally killed and harvested like lab rats tend to be Black and Hispanic children,” she said.

Democrat Ohio state Rep. Bill Patmon said that Black Lives Matter protester should be protesting in front of Planned Parenthood.

You hear a lot of demonstrations across the country now about ‘Black Lives Matter. Well they skipped one place. They should be in front of Planned Parenthood,” ~ Patmon recently told a crowd or pro-life people.

“It is my business, especially when 17 million of them are black women, 17 million – more than any other population – 17 million that look and act and talk …similar to myself, but even more than that, they’re Americans, and they’re human beings,” Patmon said.

2016 GOP Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told Jake Tapper on CNN that Planned Parenthood was an organization founded in eugenics that did not protect the sanctity of life.

Carson said that Planned Parenthood is “an organization whose founder believed in eugenics,” a reference to Margaret Sanger, and added, “even today, the plurality of their clinics are in minority communities.

Life Dynamics has published a report showing the locations Planned Parenthood sets up their centers. Read that report here.

One Comment

  1. Martin Brenden says:

    What is unfortunate Mrs. Clinton, is that you are supporting an organization that sponsors the killing of innocent Americans.

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