Episode 158 | Location, Location, Location!

Episode 158 | Location, Location, Location!

The battle has already heated up in the new year! We discuss the surprising legal battles over location data and emergency treatment laws as they relate to abortion. Meanwhile, the Pope calls for a ban on surrogacy – which he says is a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child. Is he right? We discuss all this and more in this week’s episode of the Pro-Life America podcast.

Episode 123 | News The Abortion Industry Doesn’t Want People Talking About

Episode 123 | News The Abortion Industry Doesn’t Want People Talking About

While the media and political pundits continue to dissect the elections and the failed “Red Wave,” we talk about the news the abortion industry doesn’t want people discussing. This week on the Pro-Life America, we talk about the kids phone game encouraging donations to Planned Parenthood, the abortionist caught faking “health of mother” diagnosis to justify a late-term abortion, the pedophile discovered to have been assaulting children for decades after an abortion clinic failed to report, and a man arrested on charges of slipping abortion drug in wife’s drinks.

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

Episode 93 | Leftist Propaganda Infecting Schools

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the realities of abortion coercion including how wide spread it is, when it becomes violent, the fallout it creates, and the importance of knowing your significant other’s position on abortion. Hear one woman’s heartbreaking story of how she was coerced into having an abortion. Are you experiencing abortion coercion? We have advice about what to do.

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Has the USPS spied on you? What would once be an absurd thought is now something that has even the liberal outlet Politico asking questions. We discuss this and other shady business in the news right now such as: abortion clinics requesting ambulances with no lights or sirens for injured women, the hypocrisy of the Dallas Morning News, and Kamala Harris’s video endorsing Terry McAuliffe that is slated to be shown at 300 churches – despite the fact it violates the Johnson Amendment.

Episode 73 | The Left Lashes Out

Episode 73 | The Left Lashes Out

“The closer we get to victory, the more vicious the other side will become.” This is something that host Mark Crutcher has been saying for years. This episode proves he was right. We interview pro-life activist Nicholas Heald who was viciously attacked by pro-choice teenagers outside a Milwaukee high school. Plus, we discuss the abortionist who is brazenly defying the new Texas abortion law, Biden’s commitment to the abortion lobby, and the new proposal allowing the IRS to audit virtually all financial transactions.

Episode 72 | The Department Of Justice Tries To Block Texas Abortion Ban

Episode 72 | The Department Of Justice Tries To Block Texas Abortion Ban

Unsurprisingly, the left is still in an uproar about Texas’ ban of abortions after the detection of the child’s heartbeat. Special guest Sheila Crutcher joins the hosts (yet again) to pick up where we left off last week on reactions from the left – including the Department of Justice’s emergency order asking for a halt to the new law. Also, if you were on pins and needles wondering how Portland, Oregon’s vote to ban Texas trade and travel went, we’ve got an update you don’t want to miss.