More Planned Parenthood vids coming as HHS grants them millions of dollars

The lead investigator who exposed Planned Parenthood for harvesting aborted baby body parts has said he will unveil more tapes as millions in tax dollars are granted to PP from HHS for a teen pregnancy pregnancy. Earlier this week, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) unveiled a shocking three year undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s…

Closed abortion clinic to become police station say city leaders

An Illinois abortion clinic will become a city police station despite the objections of pro-lifers and local police officers. According to the Rockford Register Star, the City of Rockford has decided to move forward with plans to convert the Turner Building which housed the infamous Northern Illinois Women’s Center abortion clinic into a $9 million…

Civil Rights matter to everyone not just those who survive the womb

51 years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawing racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels, theaters, parks, restaurants, and other public places. The Act guaranteed full and equal enjoyment of goods and services and public accommodations without discriminating or segregating on the basis of race, color,…

Life Talk Pro-life News: July 2015

On the July 2015 episode of the pro-life TV show Life Talk, we discuss pro-life issues relating to abortion and P{planned Parenthood with Mark Crutcher, Renee Hobbs, Fr. Frank Pavone, and Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa. This month we welcome special guest Catherine Davis, the founder and president of the Restoration Project, who speaks to the…

Peter Singer doesn’t want tax dollars to pay for disabled babies

While pro-life advocates work to remove tax funded abortions, Princeton University bio-ethicist, Peter Singer says he doesn’t want his tax dollars to pay for disabled babies. In a radio interview in April with WorldNet Daily’s Aaron Klein, Peter Singer argued it is “reasonable” for government or private insurance companies to deny treatment to severely disabled…

E-mails show eugenicist Gruber had larger role in ObamaCare

New e-mails show that ObamaCare architect MIT economist Jonathan Gruber who espoused abortion as eugenics had a larger role in drafting ObamaCare than previously thought. Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had to lie about ObamaCare in order…