Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode Synopsis: As the elections get closer, it’s important that pro-lifers understand that simply overturning Roe might not end legalized abortion. Plus, we explain how the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election and the tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has right now. Episode Duration: 34 min In This Episode We…

Make America Moral Again

Make America Moral Again

“Make America Moral Again”, is a sentiment that many Americans could agree with. Should we listen to this advice? It depends on what the person meant by moral. Who is the mystery person that said the above quote? Oddly enough it was “Creepy” Joe Biden. On ABC’s “Good Morning America”, Biden responded when asked if…