Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

The abortion lobby likes to portray the abortion industry and its workers as respectable medical professionals who are the champions of women. But as this episode shows, this is far from the truth. From deplorable clinic conditions to the industry’s sketchy characters, this episode reveals that abortion is the red-light district of medicine.

Episode 95 | Sickening Atrocities

Episode 95 | Sickening Atrocities

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the atrocities happening right now in Ukraine versus the atrocities happening inside America’s abortion clinics. And we call out the clear hypocrisy of the response to the photos of the war versus the photos of 5 Late-Term Aborted Babies (released by Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising) that’s gone viral.

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode 9: Is Planned Parenthood Trying To Become Part Of The Government?

Episode Synopsis: Could Planned Parenthood be trying to become an agency of the government? Before you call us conspiracy theorists, listen to our proof that this is real and how this would be beneficial for them. Plus, we address the LA Times article which claims that a new documentary on FX will show that Norma…

Abortion Clinic Employees, “Babies Born Alive Daily”

Abortion Clinic Employees, “Babies Born Alive Daily”

Today, Life Dynamics Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has released an interview with three former abortion clinic workers which prove the Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, recently convicted of murder, is not an anomaly. The interview was conducted on May 3, 2013 with clinic employees located in a different state. Mark…

An American Abortion Clinic: a glimpse into hell !

An American Abortion Clinic: a glimpse into hell !

Today, Life Dynamics a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas is releasing the second part of their Abortion Clinic Worker video series. The DVD is titled: An American Abortion Clinic, and Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher describes the DVD as, “a glimpse into hell.” The entire DVD can be purchased here. In the first…