Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode 35 | The #1 Misconception About The Pro-Choice Movement

Episode Synopsis: Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in…

Abortionist at center of Planned Parenthood sting is a UW-Mad Grad

The Planned Parenthood abortionist who was caught on video describing the way they harvest organs from aborted babies is a graduate of a University which promotes fetal tissue research. Earlier this week, The Center for Medical Progress released an undercover video revealing that Planned Parenthood affiliates across the nation are in the business of extracting…

Hillary Clinton defended Partial Birth Abortion

2016 Democrat presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton is so extreme on abortion that she once defended the horrific partial birth abortion procedure. In 2003, a law to ban Partial Birth Abortion came before the US Senate, and then Senator Hillary Clinton defended the gruesome late term procedure, opposed by a majority of American people. The…

Abortionist caught in illegal scam may have license suspended or revoked

An abortionist, once cited for sexual abuse, may have his medical license suspended or revoked after taking part in an illegal scam to keep an abortion clinic operating. Officials in New Jersey say abortion doctor Vikram Kaji used a scam to keep an abortion clinic owned by Steven Chase Brigham operating in the state after…

Abortion doctor bound over for trial with conspiracy to commit felony charge added

An Oklahoma abortion doctor placed under arrest last year for selling abortions to non-pregnant women has been bound over to face trial. Abortionist Naresh Patel was arrested in December after undercover agents set up appointments with the abortionist where they say he administered ultrasounds and pregnancy tests and then told them they were pregnant. According…