Episode 140 | The World Is Going CRAZY!
Is the world going crazy? This week we discuss how an abortionist is apparently bringing their baby to the clinic, WHO’s recommendation to encourage children 4 and under to “ask questions about sexuality”, the anti-capitalist cafe that’s going under, and Coke’s battle with woke culture. So listen and decide for yourself!
Episode Synopsis:
Is the world going crazy? This week we discuss how an abortionist is apparently bringing their baby to the clinic, WHO’s recommendation to encourage children 4 and under to “ask questions about sexuality”, the anti-capitalist cafe that’s going under, and Coke’s battle with woke culture. So listen and decide for yourself!
Episode Duration: 19 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:24)
- The Abortionist that brings their baby to work! (01:33)
- WHO pushes the sexualization of toddlers (03:46)
- Pro-Abortion, Anti-Capitalist Coffee Shop to close after just one year (07:06)
- Coca-Cola won’t be investigating ‘risks’ of doing business in pro-life states (09:41)
- Coke Shadiness (12:27)
- From The Mouth of Mark (17:09)
- Final Thoughts (17:58)
- Unhappy Mother’s Day: Abortionist Brings Baby to Work! – Operation Rescue
- Abortion Testimonials of Clinic Workers
- WHO Pushes “Early Childhood Masturbation” For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4 – Summit News
- Toronto “Anti-Capitalist” Coffee Shop With “Pay What You Can” Model Closing After One Year Of Business – The Publica
- Coca-Cola shareholders reject proposal to investigate ‘risks’ of doing business in pro-life states – Live Action News
- In Proxy Memo, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo Are Urged to Stay Out of Divisive Abortion Issue – Financial Content
- Coca-Cola’s Partnerships
- Coca Cola Foundation’s Grants in 2021
- Project Last Mile: Matching Health Enterprises With Private Sector Expertise To Improve Family Planning
- Project Last Mile 2020 Annual Report
- Pro-Life America Podcast Episode 129: Population Control & Eugenics Efforts have been Disguised as “Aid”
- Maafa 21 – Black Genocide in 21st Century America
- Rate & Review Our Podcast
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