Episode 162 | Disturbing News Shows The Consequences Of Legalized Abortion

Episode 162 | Disturbing News Shows The Consequences Of Legalized Abortion

Headlines this week show the horrifying reality of legalized abortion. This week on the podcast, we discuss everything from yet another woman being unknowingly slipped abortion drugs, to new revelations in the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts, to the politics that is biasing and censoring the truth about abortion in research – all in one jaw dropping episode!

Episode 147 | Abortion Is “Sacred” To The Left

Episode 147 | Abortion Is “Sacred” To The Left

Is abortion a necessity for military readiness? A Biden administration official says “yes” – adding that abortion a “sacred obligation.” We discuss this and the growing list of men caught drugging pregnant women with abortion drugs, and a new “civility score” for podcasts and what that could mean for those who dare to tell the truth about abortion. Plus, recent interviews with a “pro-life politician,” reveals why we need to be asking the right questions about the unborn to those running for any office.

Episode 134 | Strange Allies In The Pro-Abortion Movement

Episode 134 | Strange Allies In The Pro-Abortion Movement

An often overlooked aspect of the abortion lobby is that it is a living example of the old saying, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” This week, we look at some of the strange allies of the pro-abortion movement and how their personal agendas are joined at the hip with legalized abortion. We reveal that some people do actually LOVE abortion, and we discuss how a growing number on the pro-choice side are trying to frame abortion as an act of love.

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

We love hearing from our listeners! This week we share and respond to two listener comments and suggestions and discuss how future generations will remember legalized abortion. We discuss not just abortion itself but all the things that have come with it that our society will be judged by – such as the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts and the CDC coverup of abortion injury’s and deaths.

Episode 92 | Real World Abortion Coercion

Episode 92 | Real World Abortion Coercion

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the realities of abortion coercion including how wide spread it is, when it becomes violent, the fallout it creates, and the importance of knowing your significant other’s position on abortion. Hear one woman’s heartbreaking story of how she was coerced into having an abortion. Are you experiencing abortion coercion? We have advice about what to do.