Episode 127 | Pro-Life Priest Father Frank Pavone Defrocked!

Weekly meetings between the FBI and Big Tech companies. The surging use of the FACE act against pro-lifers. Language manipulation. This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we talk about the most used weapons of the left and what this means in a post Roe America.

Episode Synopsis:

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we share our thoughts on the defrocking of Father Frank Pavone, a longtime defender of the unborn.

Episode Duration: 18 min

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Episode 82 | Reflection and Perspective

At the beginning of the classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey stood on a snow covered bridge preparing to jump into the icy river below. He was going to kill himself after concluding that he had made a mess of things and that his life had counted for nothing. Then, at the height of his despair, he was visited by an angel who showed him what the world would have been like had he never lived. In the end, George had come to see that he was allowing his life to be defined by its failures. There is a valuable lesson in that for the pro-life movement. Listen as we discuss the “George Bailey” Syndrome that is affecting the pro-life movement and provide a moment of reflection and perspective.