Episode 121 | Talking To Women Who Are Considering Abortion- Pt 2
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we finish up our discussion on how to talk to women who are considering abortion and the benefits of male counselors at crisis pregnancy centers. And we reveal to listeners two Life Dynamics forms that are the easiest and most cost effective way to save a life! Plus, we discuss how Christian schools could unintentionally be creating abortion minded women.
Episode Synopsis:
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we finish up our discussion on how to talk to women who are considering abortion and the benefits of male counselors at crisis pregnancy centers. And we reveal to listeners two Life Dynamics forms that are the easiest and most cost effective way to save a life! Plus, we discuss how Christian schools could unintentionally be creating abortion minded women.
Episode Duration: 30 min
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In This Episode We Discuss:
- Greetings (00:24)
- Brief recap of last episode (01:00)
- Christian Schools unintentionally creating abortion minded women (02:23)
- The benefit of male counselors at pregnancy centers (10:18)
- The Life Dynamics “Force Form” (13:41)
- The “Patient’s Rights Form” (20:26)
- Final Thoughts (30:02)
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