#2 – Genocide is easier to sell when no one sees it but the killers

The pro-choice mob goes ballistic when pro-lifers show graphic images of abortion to the public. Of course, pictures of abortion are disgusting and barbaric, but only because abortion itself is disgusting and barbaric. What’s even more disgusting and barbaric, is that what’s shown in those photos is tolerated in a society that considers itself to be civilized.

Episode 148 | The Challenges Of Being Pro-Life

What do you think is the hardest thing about being pro-life? Does it have to do with how it has affected relationships? Or does it have to do with the nasty comments and bullying from those on the other side? We reveal the things that we have struggled with and share what our followers had to say. We hope this episode helps anyone who has ever dealt with the occasional challenges of being proudly pro-life.

Abortion distortion

In the past, the rhetorical battle between us and the pro-choice side has generally been one where they attack our position and we defend it. But now it’s time we turn the tables and make the other side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions! Life Dynamics is introducing “Abortion Distortion,” a…