Episode 134 | Strange Allies In The Pro-Abortion Movement

An often overlooked aspect of the abortion lobby is that it is a living example of the old saying, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” This week, we look at some of the strange allies of the pro-abortion movement and how their personal agendas are joined at the hip with legalized abortion. We reveal that some people do actually LOVE abortion, and we discuss how a growing number on the pro-choice side are trying to frame abortion as an act of love.

Episode 133 | Is The Pro-Choice Side Openly Admitting Abortion’s Connection To Satanism?

At Life Dynamics, we have discussed the connection between abortion and Satanism over the years. But with a newly mounted satanic looking statue atop a New York court building dedicated to Ginsburg and abortion, and the Satanic Temple to open a ritualistic telemed abortion clinic, could the pro-abortion side be finally admitting it’s connection to Satanism?

Marla’s Story

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Hidden Violence

Not all of the abortion-related violence inflicted on American women is committed by their abortionists. Women are often brutally attacked for refusing to have abortions. Naturally, the abortion lobby’s control of the media means that this information seldom sees the light of day. Like those women killed at the clinics, both the abortion lobby and…