Racism Inside The Abortion Industry

Racism Inside The Abortion Industry “In the era of Black Lives Matter it is indefensible that we are using taxpayer dollars to fund racism.” – Mark Crutcher (President of Life Dynamics) In the wake of Black Lives Matter, several former employees of Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice organizations have come forward and stated that they…

The Attorney Project

Whether you are a seasoned personal injury attorney with an established practice, or you’re just getting started, what you are about to see is the most powerful litigation opportunity of the 21st century. GET IN TOUCH TODAY If you are a personal injury attorney and would like more information, call Life Dynamics at 940-380-8800. Life…


America’s epidemic of child sexual abuse is being driven by several factors, one of which is technology. If you are the parent of a child who has been sexually exploited by an adult, then call Life Dynamics at 940-380-8800 to find out about your right to pursue the prosecution of civil causes of action against…