Siege – A Pro-Life Field Manual

At the end of the battle over legalized abortion, one side will win and one side will lose. What side will you be on? Right now, the pro-life movement is entering a new phase as we continue to fight for the pre-born. Meanwhile, crucial things are happening in this conflict every day that go completely…

Pro-Life Answers

Ever been stumped when discussing abortion with someone who is pro-choice or on the fence about abortion? Knowing the true heart of the typical questions or misconceptions as well as the common pro-choice movement’s rhetoric and deceptions can help you learn how to respond to them in the future. Learning to answer these questions may…

The Pro-Life Voice

Right now, widespread censorship of the pro-life message is happening on social media platforms. In fact, it’s possible that, one day soon, the pro-life message could be banned from social media altogether. Every day we see more and more evidence that the foundation for this is already being laid. So we created “The Pro-Life Voice.”…

Abortion Testimonials

One of the biggest threats to the abortion industry is the growing decline in the number of doctors willing to perform abortions. Pro-choice advocates will claim that this is due to the “pro-life violence,” however the real reason has to do with the very service they are selling and the stigma that goes along with…

Abortion Pictures

Photos show the reality of Abortion. Abortion pictures change the discussion about abortion from concept to reality; and the reality is these images show what is happening to thousands of babies, every day, across the nation. These graphic pictures exist because the aborted babies in these photos were killed by abortionists who were paid to…