#50 – Denying The Holocaust
We live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying didn’t take place 80 yrs ago in Germany, it’s happening right here, right now.
We live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying didn’t take place 80 yrs ago in Germany, it’s happening right here, right now.
Ever since Roe v. Wade was trashed, the abortion lobby has ratcheted up their claims that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice. But is this the reality?
Pro-choicers will ask pro-lifers if we have ever thought about the possibility that we are wrong. So let’s dive into the potential consequences of each side being wrong.
One of the pro-choice mob’s standard rationalizations for abortion is that every child should be a wanted child. In other words, as long as we label a child “unwanted,” it should be legal to kill them.
You’ll often hear the pro-choice mob argue that “consent to sex is not consent to be pregnant.” Watch to see why this is an absolutely stupid defense for abortion.
The pro-choice mob often screams things like, “no uterus – no opinion.” Don’t be fooled into thinking that their contempt for the opinions of men means that they have respect for the opinions of women. They don’t. The motivation behind this argument isn’t what you think…
Some people question how the pro-life movement can object to parts harvested from aborted babies being used in fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research. They argue that these babies are already dead and something good can come from it. But let’s take an honest look at that argument…
The pro-choice side says that the law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. But let’s follow the science…
Some people claim to be “pro-life” while at the same time saying that abortion should be allowed in some situations. In other words, they are “pro-choice with exceptions.” See why…
The abortion lobby desperately tries to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that’s far from the truth…