Pro-life activist says abortion workers used PPO’s to violate his free speech rights

Attorneys in Michigan say abortion workers are using PPO’s to violate the free speech rights of a pro-life activist outside an abortion clinic in the state. Thomas More Society filed an appeal on behalf of pro-life activist, Chris Coatney who prays about six days a week outside the Summit Medical Clinic in Detroit, Michigan where…

Time to show abortion in progress says pro-life group targeting college campuses

Mark Harrington, the founder of the pro-life group Created Equal plans to show an “abortion in progress” on a JumboTron at Ohio State University (OSU) today. “Created Equal is a traveling photo exhibit that visits college and high school campuses around the country to show as many students as possible what abortion actually does to…

2nd pro-life protest to target Boehner over late term abortion

Pro-life leaders say they have planned a second protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office if there is further delay on a late term abortion ban. Several local and national pro-life groups say they are organizing the demonstration at the Republican Speaker’s office, if the U.S. House does not pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act….

Pro-lifers join Starbucks’ “race together” convo to expose Black genocide from abortion

Pro-lifers on twitter have joined in on the Starbucks “race together” theme to draw attention to the disproportionate way abortion targets the black race. The campaign website reads, Race Together: Conversation has the Power to Change Hearts and Minds and they weren’t kidding. The coffee store chain says that this marketing scheme will help their…

Police to pro-lifers hosed by abortion clinic escorts, “You have a right to retreat”

A group of pro-life youth were peacefully side walk counseling outside a Florida abortion clinic when they were sprayed with a water hose by clinic escorts. On March 13, 2015, members from the Survivors Campus Outreach team and youth from Created Equal’s spring Justice Ride pleaded with the mothers entering the Tampa Women’s Health Center…

Singer gone viral walked out of abortion clinic when pregnant with daughter

26-year-old single mom, Kimberly Henderson, whose lullaby to her baby went viral on Facebook has shared how she walked out of an abortion clinic while pregnant with her daughter. Her fame began in December of 2014 when Kimberly’s video showing her singing a lullaby to her baby went viral on Facebook. Today, Kimberly posted…

Zoning laws ignored for new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic

Pro-lifers in San Antonio, Texas say that city officials have given the green light to Planned Parenthood for it’s new $6.5 million abortion clinic in contrast to existing zoning laws which would have prohibited the renovations. Planned Parenthood of South Texas’ more than 22,000 square feet facility in the 2100 block of Babcock Road, is…

GOP Speaker target of pro-life demonstration over late term abortion ban

Activists are organizing a pro-life demonstration at the offices of the GOP Speaker to call on him to reschedule a vote on a bill that would make abortions after 20 weeks illegal. Organizers, Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Jill Stanek say they plan to hold a peaceful sit-in at the offices of Speaker John Boehner on…

First amendment right to hold pro-life signs near highway confirmed

In a victory for pro-life protesters, the first amendment right to hold signs along a state highways has been confirmed . The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department has has agreed with pro-life protester’s First Amendment right to hold signs, including along the State’s Highways, in response to Thomas More Society’s letter challenging the Department’s…