Pro-lifers join Starbucks’ “race together” convo to expose Black genocide from abortion

Pro-lifers on twitter have joined in on the Starbucks “race together” theme to draw attention to the disproportionate way abortion targets the black race. The campaign website reads, Race Together: Conversation has the Power to Change Hearts and Minds and they weren’t kidding. The coffee store chain says that this marketing scheme will help their…

Pro-lifers on twitter have joined in on the Starbucks “race together” theme to draw attention to the disproportionate way abortion targets the black race.

Race Together Starbucks abortion

The campaign website reads, Race Together: Conversation has the Power to Change Hearts and Minds and they weren’t kidding.

The coffee store chain says that this marketing scheme will help their customers discuss the issue of race.

Despite raw emotion around racial unrest from Ferguson, Missouri to New York City to Oakland, “we at Starbucks should be willing to talk about these issues in America,” Howard Schult said. “Not to point fingers or to place blame, and not because we have answers, but because staying silent is not who we are.”

Here is how it is supposed to work:

    Baristas in cities where the forums were held said they wanted to do something tangible to encourage greater understanding, empathy and compassion toward one another. Given their willingness to discuss race relations, many partners wanted to begin conversations with their customers too. Partners in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Oakland and Los Angeles have voluntarily begun writing “Race Together” on Starbucks cups. Partners in all Starbucks stores in the U.S. will join them today. Partners in Starbucks® stores may also engage customers in conversation through Race Together stickers available in select stores, and a special USA Today newspaper section arriving in stores later this week.

Well…there have been many critics to this effort on both sides but what is happening behind the scenes is that the #RaceTogether hashtag has enabled pro-life activists to join in by tweeting about the black genocide effects of abortion.

Starbucks RaceTogether abortion Planned Parenthood Maafa21

In Life Dynamics’ film, Maafa21, we point out that the number one killer of the African American Community today is abortion.

In fact, the largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States is Planned Parenthood.

Watch the entire Maafa21 documentary here.

Now, with the new Race Together hashtag trending, those concerned about Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry targeting the Black Community are being heard:


Starbucks Race Together Abortion 1

Starbucks Race Together Abortion 2




Other efforts to tweet messages against abortion and Black genocide have taken place during Black History Month, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Black Lives Matter Ferguson tweetfest, and during the Oscar’s.

Post a comment below and tell us your thoughts about Starbuck’s campaign and the pro-life response it is receiving.


  1. Tony Holmquist says:

    Hands Up! Seven Bucks!

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