Black History Month exposes abortion and Planned Parenthood on Twitter

As Planned Parenthood takes to Twitter during Black History Month, others are tweeting messages exposing the real agenda of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist member of the American Eugenics Society, and since Life Dynamics produced the powerful documentary Maafa21, their history and radical eugenic agenda is beening…

As Planned Parenthood takes to Twitter during Black History Month, others are tweeting messages exposing the real agenda of abortion and Planned Parenthood.

Maafa21 Planned Parenthood Black History Month Tweet

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist member of the American Eugenics Society, and since Life Dynamics produced the powerful documentary Maafa21, their history and radical eugenic agenda is beening brought into the light of day.

Now, activists have taken to twitter to educate the public about the way abortion is being used to exterminate the Black Community, in accordance with Sanger’s plan.

Eugenics 101 Maafa21 tweet black history month

Here are just a few of those messages:

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month Tweets:

Artist Planned Parenthood and Black History Month

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets 2

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets 3

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets 7


From Rev. Walter Hoye of

Walter Hoye 1

If ‪#‎BlackLifeMatters‬, it’s got to matter in the womb first.”

Walter Hoye Black Lives Matter womb first Black History 2275114159920177206_n

The tweet below takes you to an interview with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards saying that life begins at birth.

Walter Hoye PP Cecile Richards Black History Month

“Pastors: @PPact has admitted abortion kills a baby: . Can you do the same? #BlackHistoryMonth”

Walter Hoye Planned Parenthood abortion kills baby tweet Black


The Radiance Foundation:

Radiance Foundation mEU4q-ov

Is there ONE black celebrity who has the courage to call out #PlannedParenthood? #BlackHistoryMonth #NumberOneKiller

Radiance One Black Celebrity black history abortion

Radiance Fannie Lou Hamer Black History

#FannieLouHamer called abortion a “genocide” against blacks. ProLifeHamer #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLivesMatter


Dr. Alveda King

Alveda M21

“Hands Up- Don’t Abort” #blacklivesmatter #blackhistorymonth

Alveda King Hands up dont abort


Ryan Bomberger:


“Human beings should be remembered not dismembered.#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter”

Ryan Bomberger Human beings remembered not dismembered


Others are also tweeting how abortion devastates the Black community:

Alveda King half black babies die in womb Black History Month

Live Action Black History Month Tweet

Black History Month abortion tweets

Black History Month abortion tweets 2

Black History Month abortion tweets 3

Saynsumthn Fannie Lou Hamer Black History

Maafa21 Black History Month slavery ended

Maafa21 Black History Month Tweets 2

Maafa21 Black History Month Tweets 3

Maafa21 Black History Month Tweets

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets 4

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets 5

Planned Parenthood and Black History Month tweets6


Alveda King Back of Bus Black History Month Maafa21

Visit the Maafa21 twitter page for more – here !


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