Episode 160 | Reproductive Injustice

Episode 160 | Reproductive Injustice

This week on the podcast, we discuss the outrageous pro-choice concepts that we often treat with a seriousness that they don’t deserve – such as “consent to pregnancy,” “reproductive justice,” how the term fetus is used to indicate the unborn aren’t human babies, and more! Plus, we talk about the growing number of pro-lifers convicted of violating the F.A.C.E. act, and the legal debate it has sparked about its constitutionality and how it can be weaponized.

Episode 158 | Location, Location, Location!

Episode 158 | Location, Location, Location!

The battle has already heated up in the new year! We discuss the surprising legal battles over location data and emergency treatment laws as they relate to abortion. Meanwhile, the Pope calls for a ban on surrogacy – which he says is a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child. Is he right? We discuss all this and more in this week’s episode of the Pro-Life America podcast.