#39 – The Real Reason For The Outrage Over Abortion Images & Sonogram Laws
The pro-choice side becomes enraged when pictures of aborted babies are shown. But if the unborn aren’t living human beings, and if legalized abortion is such a positive thing for women, then these people should have no fear of these images.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side pro-choice side becomes enraged when pictures of aborted babies are shown. After all, if the unborn are not living human beings, and if legalized abortion is such a positive thing for women, then these people should have no fear of these images.
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Have you ever wondered why the pro-choice mob becomes so unhinged when we show pictures of the battered and dismembered corpses of the babies they kill? After all, if the unborn are not living human beings, and if legalized abortion is such a positive thing for women, then these people and their political toadies should have no fear of these images.
But instead, they melt down over them, and they do so for the same reason they fight against any legislation that would require abortion customers to see ultrasound pictures of their babies before they have them killed. They know that these images transform the argument that the unborn are living human beings from a belief into an observable fact, and if you’re trying to defend abortion, you can’t let that happen.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#84 – Where’s The Payoff?
The pro-choice side pushes abortion as a solution to social problems. And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse.
#96 – “Intellectual Dishonesty” Over Abortion
When the public sees the horrific images of babies butchered in abortions, it’s interesting how often they get more angry at the people who showed it to them, than they do at the people who actually did it.
#85 – Is Abstinence Realistic?
Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby argues that sex-ed programs based on abstinence are not realistic. But don’t be fooled, the abortion lobby doesn’t reject abstinence because it is unrealistic…