#94 – The “Common Ground” Trick
“Common ground” discussions always start with an acceptance of the abortion lobby’s basic position. It’s a trick. See why…
“Common ground” discussions always start with an acceptance of the abortion lobby’s basic position. It’s a trick. See why…
Life Dynamics has had decades of direct contact with thousands of post-abortive women and, here are three important things we have learned from these interactions.
Some people claim to be “pro-life” while at the same time saying that abortion should be allowed in some situations. In other words, they are “pro-choice with exceptions.” See why…
Some people argue that we should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges. See why that is pure nonsense…
Any time we sit down with abortion apologists in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity.
When someone who claims to be pro-life, says they could vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion, that person is a fraud. The fact is, when you vote pro-choice you are pro-choice.
Life Dynamics, the pro-life organization that produced the ground-breaking documentary, “Maafa 21,” releases a new animation series, titled “Abortion Distortion,” to help the pro-life movement debunk common pro-choice arguments.
What do you think is the hardest thing about being pro-life? Does it have to do with how it has affected relationships? Or does it have to do with the nasty comments and bullying from those on the other side? We reveal the things that we have struggled with and share what our followers had to say. We hope this episode helps anyone who has ever dealt with the occasional challenges of being proudly pro-life.
Since we covered the shocking FBI raid of pro-lifer, Mark Houck, over a supposed violation of the FACE Act last year, a growing number of pro-lifers are being prosecuted by the DOJ using FACE. This week, we talk with Jonathan Darnel, one of the 24 people currently charged with violating FACE, about the re-emergence of the rescue movement and its role in the abortion battle, the value of civil disobedience, and why F.A.C.E should be abolished.
The tension that has always existed between the so-called “purists”, and those who sincerely believe in the incremental approach to legislation, could pose a bigger threat to the pro-life movement’s legislative agenda than is posed by the abortion lobby itself.