Episode 123 | News The Abortion Industry Doesn’t Want People Talking About

Episode 123 | News The Abortion Industry Doesn’t Want People Talking About

While the media and political pundits continue to dissect the elections and the failed “Red Wave,” we talk about the news the abortion industry doesn’t want people discussing. This week on the Pro-Life America, we talk about the kids phone game encouraging donations to Planned Parenthood, the abortionist caught faking “health of mother” diagnosis to justify a late-term abortion, the pedophile discovered to have been assaulting children for decades after an abortion clinic failed to report, and a man arrested on charges of slipping abortion drug in wife’s drinks.

The Abortion Mecca

The Abortion Mecca

Don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s faux shock; June 24th was a day they had been long expecting – and they had a plan. For the past few years, they have been advocating and pushing legislation enshrining abortion in individual states’ constitutions in the hope of creating abortion havens in a post-Roe America. To anyone who thinks this sounds like the rantings of a tin-foil hat wearer, let’s take a look at California.

Episode 121 | Talking To Women Who Are Considering Abortion- Pt 2

Episode 121 | Talking To Women Who Are Considering Abortion- Pt 2

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we finish up our discussion on how to talk to women who are considering abortion and the benefits of male counselors at crisis pregnancy centers. And we reveal to listeners two Life Dynamics forms that are the easiest and most cost effective way to save a life! Plus, we discuss how Christian schools could unintentionally be creating abortion minded women.

Episode 120 | Talking To Women Who Are Considering Abortion- Pt 1

Episode 120 | Talking To Women Who Are Considering Abortion- Pt 1

One question that we get asked a lot is how to talk to women who are considering abortion. Host Mark Crutcher gives his advise about talking to these women that every pro-lifer needs to hear. Plus, we discuss how the way parents and the pro-life movement talks about teen pregnancy, might be causing us to unintentionally promote abortion.

Episode 119 | Could Trouble Be Brewing In Georgia?

Episode 119 | Could Trouble Be Brewing In Georgia?

With the elections just around the corner, an allegation that Herschel Walker paid for an ex- girlfriend’s abortion emerges. We discuss this, what it means for the elections and conservatives. Plus, we discuss the Biden Justice Department’s crack down on pro-lifers, the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a personhood case, and the article claiming the pro-life movement is making America’s diaper crisis “worse.”

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

We love hearing from our listeners! This week we share and respond to two listener comments and suggestions and discuss how future generations will remember legalized abortion. We discuss not just abortion itself but all the things that have come with it that our society will be judged by – such as the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts and the CDC coverup of abortion injury’s and deaths.

Episode 117 | Tips EVERY Pro-Lifer Needs To Know  In The Surge In Violence Against Pro-Lifers

Episode 117 | Tips EVERY Pro-Lifer Needs To Know In The Surge In Violence Against Pro-Lifers

In the months after the overturn of Roe vs Wade, we have seen a surge in violence against pro-lifers. We reveal the latest cases, including a shocking FBI raid of a pro-lifer over a supposed violation of the FACE Act, and provide safety tips that EVERY pro-lifer should follow. Plus we discuss other news, such as Stacy Abrams saying that a 6-week fetal heartbeat is ‘Manufactured sounds’ and how an American is suing Malta over their abortion laws.

Episode 116 | America’s View Of The Unborn Is Our Core Issue

Episode 116 | America’s View Of The Unborn Is Our Core Issue

The abortion lobby likes to portray the abortion industry and its workers as respectable medical professionals who are the champions of women. But as this episode shows, this is far from the truth. From deplorable clinic conditions to the industry’s sketchy characters, this episode reveals that abortion is the red-light district of medicine.