#30 – “Thousands of Women Used To Die Every Year From Illegal Abortions!”
The pro-choice side still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions – despite their own people saying otherwise.
The pro-choice side still claims that thousands of women used to die every year from illegal abortions – despite their own people saying otherwise.
The pro-choice mob claims that it’s okay to kill the unborn because no one can prove when life begins. The interesting thing is, abortion defenders seem to be the only people left on earth who are still confused about when life begins.
Some abortion defenders say that a fetus doesn’t have a right to life until it is viable and can live on its own outside the womb. But the real issue is that viability has absolutely nothing to do with the question of whether the unborn are living human beings or not.
The pro-choice mob argues that the government should fund abortions for the poor so taxpayers don’t have to pay to raise their children. And few issues show the abysmal immorality of these people better than this one.
When someone who claims to be pro-life, says they could vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion, that person is a fraud. The fact is, when you vote pro-choice you are pro-choice.
The pro-choice mob has always pushed abortion as a solution to social problems. But do we really want America to be the kind of country that uses child sacrifice as a tool of social engineering?
The left always is always lecturing the rest of us to “follow the science.” But somehow, when the abortion issue comes up, all of a sudden science is off the table.
The abortion lobby says that their doctors don’t do abortions for the money since there is more money in delivering babies than doing abortions. But that’s irrelevant. See why…
Abortion defenders say that the pro-life movement is hypocritical for opposing sex education since it would reduce the abortion rate. They are lying.
According to those who support abortion, abortion is about as risky as a manicure, but pregnancy and childbirth is a mine field from which women rarely come out alive.