#23 – “Doctors Don’t Do Abortions For The Money”
The abortion lobby says that their doctors don’t do abortions for the money since there is more money in delivering babies than doing abortions. But that’s irrelevant. See why…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby says that their doctors don’t do abortions for the money since there is more money in delivering babies than doing abortions. But as we show, that is irrelevant. Watch to see why…
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The abortion lobby says that their doctors don’t do abortions for the money since there is more money in delivering babies than doing abortions. But that’s irrelevant. The fact is, when someone’s medical career has deteriorated to the point that they are working at an abortion clinic, the choice they have is not between doing abortions or delivering babies; it’s between doing abortions or being out of work.
For proof of that, just look at the kind of people who go into the abortion industry and what you quickly find is that they are not exactly the cream of the crop. To the contrary, they are not only moral degenerates, they are also the washouts and losers of the medical community. In fact, if it weren’t for the abortion business, these people would be not be driving Cadillacs, they’d be washing them.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#2 – Genocide is easier to sell when no one sees it but the killers
The pro-choice mob goes ballistic when pro-lifers show graphic images of abortion to the public. Of course, pictures of abortion are disgusting and barbaric, but only because abortion itself is disgusting and barbaric. What’s even more disgusting and barbaric, is that what’s shown in those photos is tolerated in a society that considers itself to be civilized.
#105 – How Will Future Generations Look Upon Legalized Abortion?
Today, we look back on slavery and the Nazi holocaust and ask ourselves how any nation claiming to be civilized could have allowed these things to happen. How will future generations look back on the era of legalized abortion?
#21 – Is Abortion Safer Than Childbirth?
According to those who support abortion, abortion is about as risky as a manicure, but pregnancy and childbirth is a mine field from which women rarely come out alive.