Instant Guru Syndrome

Instant Guru Syndrome

While there is no denying that people who have worked in the abortion industry can become valuable assets in the pro-life effort, we must not allow our excitement over their conversions to become a substitute for sound judgment.

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

Episode 118 | How will legalized abortion be remembered by future generations?

We love hearing from our listeners! This week we share and respond to two listener comments and suggestions and discuss how future generations will remember legalized abortion. We discuss not just abortion itself but all the things that have come with it that our society will be judged by – such as the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts and the CDC coverup of abortion injury’s and deaths.

Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

Episode 115 | Shady Characters Of The Abortion Industry

The abortion lobby likes to portray the abortion industry and its workers as respectable medical professionals who are the champions of women. But as this episode shows, this is far from the truth. From deplorable clinic conditions to the industry’s sketchy characters, this episode reveals that abortion is the red-light district of medicine.

Episode 67 | Planned Parenthood is Anti-Woman

Episode 67 | Planned Parenthood is Anti-Woman

This week, we discuss the latest news from abortion industry insiders which reveal that Planned Parenthood is not pro-woman, but pro-abortion. We cover how a former Planned Parenthood president was told to “talk about abortion at every media interview,” as well as how a former clinic director admits that they use fears of deportation to convince immigrants to abort – and how Planned Parenthood’s annual reports show what business they’re really in. Plus, we discuss the findings of our own investigations into Planned Parenthood…

Bad Blood Within The Abortion Industry

Bad Blood Within The Abortion Industry

The abortion industry’s got problemsAnd we don’t think they can solve ’em. As we discuss in this week’s episode of the Pro-Life America podcast, there is often bitter animosity between what we call the “doers” and the “talkers” of the abortion industry. While there is some overlap, generally speaking, talkers are the people who work…