Episode 46 |  The Alarming Decline of Birth Rates Worldwide

Episode 46 | The Alarming Decline of Birth Rates Worldwide

Researchers and economists are calling worldwide plunges in birth rates a “crisis.” We discuss what some countries are doing in the hopes of reversing it, the potential ramifications of this, and how it is all connected to legalized abortion and “population control.” Plus, we reveal how one Danish travel agency is selling traveling as a way to “save Denmark.”

Episode 45 |  Abortion Stories The Pro-Choice Side Doesn’t Want You To Hear

Episode 45 | Abortion Stories The Pro-Choice Side Doesn’t Want You To Hear

With the help of Hollywood, the abortion lobby and pro-choice side touts abortion as something that empowers women, but we expose the truth of how abortion devastates everyone it touches. This episode is a sobering look a the price women have been forced to pay for the “right to choose.”

Episode 44 |  Biden’s Concerning, “Anti-Life” Pick For HHS Secretary

Episode 44 | Biden’s Concerning, “Anti-Life” Pick For HHS Secretary

Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss Biden’s pro-abortion pick for HHS Secretary. We go over nominee Xavier Becerra’s record on issues such as abortion and more; as well as his endorsements and his opposition. We talk about the bizarre times we’re in and the viral TikTok video going around which claims Helen Keller wasn’t real…