Pregnant woman kicked in stomach by boyfriend who did not want baby

Montgomery County, Ohio police say a 25-year-old pregnant woman was allegedly assaulted by her boyfriend after he said he didn’t want the baby. When neighbors found the woman she told them she she had been repeatedly kicked in the stomach by her boyfriend, 24-year-old Tanner “Devon” Hopkins and that she was “dying.” At the time…

Pro-life Bikers to ride where the Roe v. Wade abortion case began

Pro-life Bikers will join the North Texas March for Life in Dallas, Texas where the Roe v. Wade abortion case originated. The North Texas Ride for Life will take place on Saturday, January 17th at 3:00 PM. Last year, pro-life bikers from Bikers for Life, founded by the pro-life organization, Life Dynamics brought electricity to…

Pro-life boots replace Abortion Barbie’s pink shoes in Texas Senate

There’s a new sheriff is in town, is how one Dallas paper reported on the woman replacing Wendy Davis who paraded onto the Texas Senate floor wearing pro-life boots this week. Radical pro-abortion Texas Senator, Wendy Davis, made her claim to fame standing on the Texas House floor to filibuster a bill that would limit…

Abortion radicals to protest Black pro-life rally

A radical pro-abortion group is calling activists to counter protest the pro-life Stand up for Life Walk in Oakland, California to, as they recently tweeted, stand up “against the vicious lie that #abortion is black genocide!” Stop Patriarchy, a pro-choice group which recently gained notoriety for their bizarre protests against the Texas pro-life law, HB2…

Flier details Girl Scouts connection to abortion advocacy

A group, which seeks to educate the public about the connections the Girl Scouts have to abortion advocacy, has developed a flier which pro-lifers can hand to troops who solicit them for Girl Scout cookies. states that their goal is to provide documentation of Girl Scout concerns that directly impact those seeking information, “Each…

Planned Parenthood blames ObamaCare for center’s closure

UPDATE: A a news article is reporting that Planned Parenthood Battle Creek has now officially closed to patients as of January 20th. VICTORY! An ironic twist of fate has occurred, Planned Parenthood which lobbied heavily for the Affordable Care Act, is now blaming the ObamaCare monstrosity for the closure of a Michigan clinic. A local…

R.I.P. Baby Otto

It is with a saddened heart we report that Baby Otto has died. Yesterday the family reported that something was wrong, “URGENT: they have discovered something wrong it Ottos intestines, and lots of blood in the stool. Taking him to st.louis childrens hospital for surgery! Pray for healing, dr. Wisdom, and safety as they all…

Bikers to converge in Dallas to Ride 4 Unborn against abortion !

Pro-life Bikers will converge in Dallas, Texas on January 17th to Ride 4 Unborn children and show their opposition to legalized child killing through abortion. January 22 marks the 42nd anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on demand in America. Each year, pro-lifers across the United States assemble…