New Father chronicles being a dad in hilarious vids

A series of New Father Chronicles videos has been uploaded by proud dad La Guardia Cross. In week 1, daughter Amalah arrives and Cross published this touching and hilarious video. “I enjoy rest, I enjoy sleep, but I also enjoy the moments when this girl looks at me. When she kinda smiles. When she looks…

New Father Chronicles

A series of New Father Chronicles videos has been uploaded by proud dad La Guardia Cross.

Amalah New Father Chronicles

In week 1, daughter Amalah arrives and Cross published this touching and hilarious video.

I enjoy rest, I enjoy sleep, but I also enjoy the moments when this girl looks at me. When she kinda smiles. When she looks like she’s enjoying herself, when she’s happy, when she’s sleeping well,” he says tenderly.

New Father Chronicles SunSentinel

In an interview with the the Sun-Sentinel, Cross explained why he started New Father Chronicles.

I wanted to do [the vlog] because I was really excited when I found out my wife was pregnant,” he said. “I started thinking about it in advance. I was even creating songs for her before she was born,” he said.

Help the Cause Life Dynamics pro-life

In this episode, daughter Amalah is 6 weeks old and La Guardia Cross interviews her.

Cross asks her where she came from and if she is allergic to places like church.

Amalah Interview with infant

The video is just adorable – see for yourself:


  1. Sam Nigro, MD says:

    The household expands from the two-headed, four-armed,four-legged creature of loveollution to a MOM-&-DAD…now including another head with 2 more arms and legs creating a UNITY of FAMILY ONENESS…Find JOY in everything!!! Keep working and laughing. You all are one creature of NATURE and Nature’s God. Do not forget that no man ever worked as hard as mothers. God bless.

  2. La Guardia Cross says:

    Thank you so much for the write up and taking the time to collect the background info! It’s a joy to share the funny moments of new fatherhood.

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