Hispanic women account for majority of abortions in NM for 2013

According to New Mexico 2013 state population estimates, 46.4% of New Mexicans were Hispanic, and 41.3 % were White, so why do Hispanic women account for the majority of abortions in the state? In New Mexico, reporting of legal induced abortion became law in 1977, and 1978 was the first full year of reporting. The…

According to New Mexico 2013 state population estimates, 46.4% of New Mexicans were Hispanic, and 41.3 % were White, so why do Hispanic women account for the majority of abortions in the state?

Hispanics in New Mexico

In New Mexico, reporting of legal induced abortion became law in 1977, and 1978 was the first full year of reporting.

The number of abortions reported in New Mexico in 2013 was 3,408.

This is an 8.7% increase from the 2012 number.

New Mexico Abortions 2013

In 2013, 67.6% of abortions in New Mexico were to women who were less than nine weeks pregnant and 86.0% of the abortions in the state occurred within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.

However, children aborted at 13 to 15 weeks accounted for 5.5% of abortions reported to the state while abortions done at 16 weeks and above accounted for 7.2%.

That means 12.7% of abortions reported in New Mexico were 2nd trimester or later term abortions.

Also reported were abortions by race.

In 2013, white women in the state received 888 abortions.

New Mexico Population Stats 2013

The Black or African American population made up 2.1% of the total population in the state.

However, in 2013, 106 abortions were performed Black women accounting for 3% of all abortions performed.

Hispanic abortions New Mexico

However, Hispanic women received 1,798 of the 3408 abortions reported in New Mexico.

That means that although Hispanic women made up 46.4% of the population in 2013, they accounted for 52.76% of abortions performed.

According to an analysis by Operation Rescue, abortions rose amongst Hispanic women by 9% from 1,643 in 2012 to 1,798 in 2013.

This represented a larger percentage than the overall statewide trend, they stated.


In the summer of 2009, Life Dynamics released the documentary film, Maafa 21.

Its basic contention is that terms like “population control” and “family planning” are code words for a genocidal effort aimed at minorities – primarily African-Americans.

Among the many revelations documented in this film is that, as far back as the mid 1900s, some wellknown eugenicists were arguing that the most effective way they could advance their agenda would be to concentrate population control facilities within the targeted communities.

Historically, the population control movement’s eugenic efforts have been primarily focused on the African-American community and that was the underlying theme of Maafa21.

However, Life Dynamics has also found unmistakable evidence that the family planning establishment is also ratcheting up its efforts to deal with the Hispanic population.

You can see that clearly in Life Dynamics’ report, Racial Targeting and Population Control available here.

“Hispanic women are being lulled to their cultural extinction by following the ‘Abortion Pied Piper’ in New Mexico to the demise of their progeny. Unfortunately, pro-abortion groups in the state are doing a better job of marketing death to these women than they are in actually helping women through their pregnancies,” stated New Mexico pro-life activist Bud Shaver.


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