Episode 142 | “The Greater Good”

Inspired by one of our favorite movies, where the plot revolves around one town’s cult-like obsession with “the greater good,” we discuss the pro-abortion side’s rationalizations for legalized abortion and their belief on how it supports “the greater good.”

Episode Synopsis:

Inspired by one of our favorite movies, where the plot revolves around one town’s cult-like obsession with “the greater good,” we discuss the pro-abortion side’s rationalizations for legalized abortion and their belief on how it supports “the greater good.”

Episode Duration: 24 min

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In This Episode We Discuss:
  • Greetings (00:25)
  • Greater Good Argument: For Women’s Health! (03:12)
  • Greater Good Argument: For the economy! (08:53)
  • Greater Good Argument: For the disabled! (16:17)
  • Greater Good Argument: Solving Unwanted Children (19:46)
  • From The Mouth of Mark (21:31)
  • Final Thoughts (23:08)

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