Episode 162 | Disturbing News Shows The Consequences Of Legalized Abortion

Episode 162 | Disturbing News Shows The Consequences Of Legalized Abortion

Headlines this week show the horrifying reality of legalized abortion. This week on the podcast, we discuss everything from yet another woman being unknowingly slipped abortion drugs, to new revelations in the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts, to the politics that is biasing and censoring the truth about abortion in research – all in one jaw dropping episode!

Episode 141 | Abortion News: The Good, The bad, and The Ugly

Episode 141 | Abortion News: The Good, The bad, and The Ugly

This week, we discuss amazing news such as the first ever life saving brain surgery on a baby in the womb and the unveiling of a pro-life statue. But we also have to discuss the wave of pro-choice activist professors and their antics on campuses, teens being butchered by legal abortion, and why Planned Parenthood is changing its focus going forward. So listen this week to get the good, the bad, and the truly ugly abortion related news.

Episode 131 | Latest Abortion Related News Reveals Who Is Actually Extreme

Episode 131 | Latest Abortion Related News Reveals Who Is Actually Extreme

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss how Democrats are rallying against protecting babies born alive during abortions and calling it “extreme.” Meanwhile, new research by the Abortion Survivors Network reveals that 1,900+ children are “potentially” surviving abortions each year in the U.S. – contradicting claims from the left that abortion survivors are rare. And as some states are setting up to become abortion tourist hotspots, some pharmacies are expressing hesitation over offering the abortion pill in response to the FDA’s decision last week.

Episode 130 | FDA Proves That Chemical Abortions  Are The Abortion Industry’s “Plan B”

Episode 130 | FDA Proves That Chemical Abortions Are The Abortion Industry’s “Plan B”

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the recent changes to the regulations for chemical abortions and telemed abortions made by the FDA and how this fits in with the abortion industry’s vision for the future. But in an interesting twist, could CVS, Walgreens, and others be trying to squeeze out the abortion industry in the telemed abortion business?