Episode 113 | “Big Abortion” Sets Its Eyes On Mexico

Episode 113 | “Big Abortion” Sets Its Eyes On Mexico

Years ago, when the “right to choose” looked safe, Canada and Mexico were not on the abortion lobby’s radar screen. But with Roe being overturned and legalized abortion in danger a back-up plan has been launched. We discuss why the abortion lobby has its eyes focused on Mexico and Canada and things pro-lifers need to be on the lookout for. But before that, we discuss the latest news, including the abortion industry’s letter asking the media not to interview pro-lifers nor report the pro-life position.

Episode 84 | What Pro-Life Means

Episode 84 | What Pro-Life Means

To kick off the new year, we go back to basics and define what pro-life means and how it is different from simply being opposed to abortion. We also talk about why pro-lifers must be pro-life without exceptions, when does someone become a human being, sex selection abortions and more! This is an important episode for all pro-lifers!

The Power of Self-Delusion

The Power of Self-Delusion

Over the years, George Orwell’s observation that some things are so stupid only an intellectual could believe them has proven to be frighteningly accurate. The entire pro-choice position is a testament to the fact that the human brain is the only organism in nature that has the ability to intentionally deceive itself.