Mothers of babies born premature speak against abortion

Born as young as 19 and 24 weeks, these beautiful pictures of babies were shared with a pro-life group by mothers shocked about legal abortion. The images were published on Live Action’s Facebook page in response to the group’s very powerful “Inhuman” investigation. Writing for the Live Action Blog, Becky Yeh explains: The video reveals…

Stanford law professor to appeal Purvi Patel case pro bono after she threw her baby in dumpster

A Stanford law professor said he plans to appeal feticide and neglect charges for Purvi Patel who threw her baby boy in a trash dumpster after taking abortion pills. The 33-year-old Indiana woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison earlier this year for throwing the almost fully developed baby into a dumpster behind a…

Baby abandoned behind dumpster reunited with rescuer years later

A newborn baby who was found alive after being abandoned by his mother behind a trash dumpster has been reunited with the police officer who rescued him. On Nov. 21, 1989 Santa Ana, California police officer Michael Buelna was investigating an unrelated crime when he heard a newborn baby’s cry from the dumpster. Adam, as…

Young activists gear up for pro-life training camp to end abortion

A national pro-life group is planning their annual training camp this summer where they will prepare young pro-life activists to stand against the worst evil of our day: abortion. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals to end child killing in America. The event consists…

Pro-life leaders call for Republicans to schedule a vote on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

A group of national pro-life leaders have released a joint statement urging House Republican Leadership to schedule a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Pro-life leaders say that babies and mothers being targeted by the late-term abortion industry have waited long enough for protection. “The Senate stands ready to take up this legislation….

Police harass pro-lifer outside Planned Parenthood says national group

A national pro-life groups claims the D.C. police are harassing a pro-life side walk counselor exposing the truth of abortion outside Planned Parenthood. According to the pro-life group Created Equal, which routinely shows abortion victim imagery, D.C police continue to harass pro-life activist Lauren Handy outside Planned Parenthood Metropolitan Washington. A video documenting the abuse…