Black pastor to help lead protest at GOP speaker’s office over abortion ban

A Black pastor says he is planing to help lead a protest in front of GOP House Speaker John Boehner’s office to tell him that not only do Black lives matter but all lives matter. Pastor Walter Hoye 11 is among several pro-life leaders who say GOP leaders have betrayed their promise to pass a…

A Black pastor says he is planing to help lead a protest in front of GOP House Speaker John Boehner’s office to tell him that not only do Black lives matter but all lives matter.

Pastor Walter Hoye 11 is among several pro-life leaders who say GOP leaders have betrayed their promise to pass a late term abortion ban and they are planning the demonstration to urge him to action.

Walter Hoye ending abortion black pastor

Organizers of the second Free The Ban protest say that Republican House leadership gave assurances that a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end abortions after 20 weeks, would take place in January, the anniversary month of the infamous Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on demand.

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That vote was delayed by the House after being sabotaged by Republican Congresswomen Renee Ellmers who forced GOP members to abandon the first vote over rape reporting requirements to the legislation.

“This is the kind of people that I have talked about before,”Life Dynamics president Mark Crutcher told his Life Talk​ audience after the betrayal.

Who want the mantle of pro-life and the mortality that comes along with it. But when push comes to shove, they’re pro-aborts,” he said.

Jill Stanek Troy Newman Pat Mahoney Boehner abortion

Organizers, Jill Stanek, Troy Newman, and Rev. Patrick Mahoney vowed that if there was another delay in passing the late term abortion ban, they would hold a second protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office on Thursday, May 7.

Sadly, that has not happened,” protest leaders state on their Facebook page.

“Almost 4 months have now passed. Innocent children are dying and women are being diminished because of the Republican leadership’s inaction.”

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According to the demonstration announcement, pro-life leaders from 13 national and local pro-life groups will go to Speaker Boehner’s office and show pictures of abortion victims and fetal models of children who are 20 weeks developed inside their mother’s womb.

African American pastor Walter Hoye will then present Speaker Boehner’s staff with the fetal model of a 20-week-old African-American baby.

The May 7th protest follows a demonstration already held in front of the Speaker’s offices in late March, which resulted in several arrests.

Jill Stanek speaks about aborted baby she held free the ban

Stanek told the media at that March 25th sit-in that she wanted to apply pressure to GOP House leaders to get the late term abortion ban passed.

“I held a little aborted human being until he died, 21 weeks, that this bill would have saved had it been in place. This little abortion survivor was the impetus of a bill passed eventually in the state of Illinois called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that Barack Obama, a state Senator voted against four times. We expect this sort of treatment of abortion from the Democrat side but we do not expect this treatment from the Republican side. And, that’s what we’ve seen here with the 20 week abortion ban,
Stanek said.

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Walter Hoye, Director of Issues 4 Life Foundation, told Life Dynamics that he wants Boehner to know that Black Lives Matter and why banning these abortions matters to him.

But, Rev. Hoye says, it’s not just Black lives it is all life.

“GOP leaders are struggling with the rape exception and my wife is the product of rape,” Rev. Hoye explains.

My son was born at less than six months gestation. I held him in my right hand when he weighed a mere 1.9 pounds. There is no way I will support legislation that includes an exception for rape and fails to end abortion in the United States after 20 weeks.

“I want Speaker Boehner to know that not only do Black Lives Matter but all lives matter,” he said.

Those interested in joining Rev.Hoye at the Speaker’s office as well as the other pro-life leaders can get more information at the group’s event page here.


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