#10 – “Keep Your Rosaries Off Our Ovaries!!”
The pro-choice mob tells us to keep our rosaries off their ovaries. The fact is, we are as indifferent to their ovaries as we are to their spleens, their gall bladders, and their tonsils.
The pro-choice mob tells us to keep our rosaries off their ovaries. The fact is, we are as indifferent to their ovaries as we are to their spleens, their gall bladders, and their tonsils.
The pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. But we have decades of real-world experience to show us what a post abortion America REALLY looks like.
The abortion lobby often proposes that we join them to look for ways to end the need for abortion. It’s a trap called “common ground.” These people know that legal abortion is easier to sell when the public believes that they are done out of need rather than want, and every time we take the “common ground” bait we help them sell that lie.
The abortion lobby likes to portray the concept of “choice” as something that is inherently and universally noble. It is not.
The abortion lobby markets chemical abortions in a way that, they hope, women will think that it’s not really an abortion, but instead you take a pill and you’re no longer pregnant. But of course, regardless of the method, the outcome is the intentional death of a living human being.
The abortion lobby says that women used to die by the thousands every year from back-alley abortions. The truth is, they have been lying about this issue from day one!
The pro-choice crowd says that there are more abortions done every year than there are people on waiting lists to adopt and that outlawing abortion would swamp the country with unwanted babies. But don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s attacks on adoption.
An often overlooked aspect of the abortion lobby is that it is a living example of the old saying, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” This week, we look at some of the strange allies of the pro-abortion movement and how their personal agendas are joined at the hip with legalized abortion. We reveal that some people do actually LOVE abortion, and we discuss how a growing number on the pro-choice side are trying to frame abortion as an act of love.
At Life Dynamics, we have discussed the connection between abortion and Satanism over the years. But with a newly mounted satanic looking statue atop a New York court building dedicated to Ginsburg and abortion, and the Satanic Temple to open a ritualistic telemed abortion clinic, could the pro-abortion side be finally admitting it’s connection to Satanism?
In response to a question on one of our Instagram posts about what happens to the bodies of babies after abortion, we reveal the different ways abortion clinics have “disposed” of aborted babies. Plus, we discuss the abortion industry’s problem with waste disposal companies and the disgusting conditions and awful behaviors inside clinics. This episode proves that there is no such thing as humane disposal of these babies.
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