Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode Synopsis: This week, we debunk the claim often regurgitated by the pro-choice side, that pro-lifers don’t care about babies after they’re born. Plus, we discuss the latest news like pro-lifers being arrested for writing “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in chalk and how Joe Biden was denied communion. Episode Duration: 24 min In This Episode…

Make America Moral Again

Make America Moral Again

“Make America Moral Again”, is a sentiment that many Americans could agree with. Should we listen to this advice? It depends on what the person meant by moral. Who is the mystery person that said the above quote? Oddly enough it was “Creepy” Joe Biden. On ABC’s “Good Morning America”, Biden responded when asked if…