#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

The pro-choice side has accused the pro-life movement of being a bunch of “anti-choice extremists who are trying to force their religious beliefs on everyone else.” Since “choice” means having the legal right to butcher defenseless children, then we are indeed anti-choice. But as for the claim that we are trying pass laws to force our theological views on others, that is idiocy.

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Recent news of Biden’s administration and his appointees makes it clear that they are dedicated to abortion. We discuss Biden’s choice for ambassador to Ireland, at a time when pro-choicers in Ireland are pushing for the expansion of legalized abortion, as well as his choice for the head of the Bureau of Land Management. We also discuss Biden’s appointee to HHS, Xavier Becerra, nixing the NIH ethics board overseeing human fetal tissue research. Plus, we share the interesting clash that happened recently between an Irish radio host and “bio-ethicist” Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’s views on aborting children with disabilities.

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

Episode 60 | The Latest In America’s Ongoing Culture War

This week, we discuss the latest (and surreal) news stories like a North Korean defector stating that North Korea was pretty crazy,” but not as crazy as the propaganda she witnessed at Columbia University. Plus, we share how the Vatican is warning bishops not to deny communion to pro-choice politicians like Joe Biden. And finally, more data is coming out about America’s declining birth rate, that has some wondering, “How Low Can America’s Birth Rate Go Before It’s A Problem?”

The Next Four Years

The Next Four Years

Win lose or draw, no election can alter the commitment you and I made to defend the unborn. So take heart. Stay strong. Renew your pro-life resolve and your commitment to carry on the fight against abortion. And there’s no better time to do this than at Christmas.