Strange Alliances With The Pro-Life Movement…

Those of us in the pro-life movement need to constantly remind ourselves that, for the unborn, what’s happening in our country today is not a game – it’s life and death.

Right now the American media is salivating over the potential match-ups in the 2016 presidential election.

They realize it’s going to be great political theater that’s going to be entertaining to watch and sell a lot of newspapers.  But those of us in the pro-life movement need to make sure that we do not lose focus.  We need to be constantly reminding ourselves that, for the unborn, what’s happening in our country today is not a game – it’s life and death.

See Mark reveal the shocking similarities between what we are seeing now and what happened 26 years ago, in the video: The Real Story: Strange Alliances With The Christian Right…

Watch Now:

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