Episode 91 | Unmasking The Truth
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the latest antics from the left including how some are claiming that Putin is pro-life, how another “bioethicist” is defending infanticide, and more!
This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we discuss the latest antics from the left including how some are claiming that Putin is pro-life, how another “bioethicist” is defending infanticide, and more!
A report published this year by the European Institute of Bioethics, revealed that 10% of newborn deaths in Belgium were babies that had been euthanized! We talk about the unavoidable things that come with legalized abortion and the hypocrisy of those who are pro-choice but claim to be outraged by abortion’s “baggage.”
Recent news of Biden’s administration and his appointees makes it clear that they are dedicated to abortion. We discuss Biden’s choice for ambassador to Ireland, at a time when pro-choicers in Ireland are pushing for the expansion of legalized abortion, as well as his choice for the head of the Bureau of Land Management. We also discuss Biden’s appointee to HHS, Xavier Becerra, nixing the NIH ethics board overseeing human fetal tissue research. Plus, we share the interesting clash that happened recently between an Irish radio host and “bio-ethicist” Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’s views on aborting children with disabilities.
Episode Synopsis: The hosts answer a listener’s question about ways to respond to the topic of life-threatening pregnancies in conversations; and they address exceptions in cases of rape, incest, life of the mother, and disabilities. This episode proves why you can’t be pro-life and support exceptions. Episode Duration: 26 min In This Episode We Discuss:…