Pedophile seeking abortion for 12-year-old has been arrested

A Pennsylvania pedophile who raped and impregnated a 12-year-old child was in the process of seeking an abortion when he was arrested. 33-year-old Hector Rico has been charged with rape of a child, aggravated indecent assault of a child, sexual assault, indecent assault, corruption of minors, endangering the welfare of a child, statutory sexual assault…

Sexual abuse victim taken for abortions at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood performed two abortions on an underage victim of sexual abuse but failed to report the rape to authorities. The information surfaced in court documents which showed that a California man, convicted of sexually abusing two of his daughters, took the younger one to Planned Parenthood for two abortions without reporting their pregnancies to…

NY dept. of probation uses Planned Parenthood program to “educate” male sexual offenders

A New York department of probation is referring sexual predators between the ages of 16 to 25 to a treatment program written by Planned Parenthood. The program, offered by the Clinton County Department of Probation in Plattsburgh, New York is called Responsible Men’s Group. The Clinton County Department of Probation website describes the program as…

Baby born after doctors reversed effect of abortion pill taken by mother

A pregnant woman, who was given the abortion pill without her knowledge and completed a process to reversed the pill’s effect , has given birth. Fox 46 in Charlotte reported the story. The news station spoke with Dr. Matthew Harrison, a North Carolina doctor instrumental in developing an abortion pill reversal kit used to reverse…

Pro-lifers join Starbucks’ “race together” convo to expose Black genocide from abortion

Pro-lifers on twitter have joined in on the Starbucks “race together” theme to draw attention to the disproportionate way abortion targets the black race. The campaign website reads, Race Together: Conversation has the Power to Change Hearts and Minds and they weren’t kidding. The coffee store chain says that this marketing scheme will help their…

Dems call pro-life group “extremist” after mailing postcard of woman and baby killed by abortion

Democrats in New Mexico are calling pro-lifers in the state “extremist” for mailing a postcard which showed a woman and baby killed from legal abortion. Earlier this month a New Mexico Senate panel tabled a two pro-life bills that would have prohibited late-term abortions and required parental consent by minors seeking abortion in the state….

Police to pro-lifers hosed by abortion clinic escorts, “You have a right to retreat”

A group of pro-life youth were peacefully side walk counseling outside a Florida abortion clinic when they were sprayed with a water hose by clinic escorts. On March 13, 2015, members from the Survivors Campus Outreach team and youth from Created Equal’s spring Justice Ride pleaded with the mothers entering the Tampa Women’s Health Center…