Twins born at 22 weeks turn 9 years old

Premature twin babies born at 22 weeks weighing 500g and 560g respectively just celebrated their ninth birthday. Hunter Ryan Ridley and Darcy Louise Ridley were born on April 24, 2006 nearly 123 days early. The twins were considered the most premature twins to survive at the time. This video, which chronicles Darcy’s medical struggles, shows…

Premature twin babies born at 22 weeks weighing 500g and 560g respectively just celebrated their ninth birthday.

Hunter Ryan Ridley and Darcy Louise Ridley were born on April 24, 2006 nearly 123 days early.

Twings bor 22 weeks hunter and darcy

The twins were considered the most premature twins to survive at the time.

This video, which chronicles Darcy’s medical struggles, shows she suffered from fluid on her brain requiring surgery.

After months of medical care, the twins were released from the hospital nearly six months after their birth.

Hunter and Darcy going home after 6 months 22 weeks

In 2008, their parents published the video below documenting the twins’ first months:

Unfortunately, some viewing the precious video, which has over 2,500,000 views, have written hateful comments.

Darcy Louis 2

Justin Ridley, the twin’s dad decided to reply:

“Thought I would check in and give all an update on the twins,” he wrote.

“Reading through the comments I noticed that there are a few negative and insulting comments. For you who think it is ok to insult me and my children get a life. I do not appreciate comments referring to my children as garbage and that they should have been flushed down the toilet…To me my kids are true heroes and I hope they continue to give people hope. If you have hope and believe anything is possible. I will be deleting the horrible post on here and will endeavour to keep a close eye on it. Once again thank you to all who have left positive comments.”

Hunter Ryan 2

But, supportive comments have far outweighed the negative:

    how crazy that at 21 weeks they would have been legal to abort in some places. Can you imagine?! Congrats on your sweet healthy babies!

    to see this posting it almost had me in tears. It touched my heart to see how they were able to survive cause I almost died with my second son who is now 8 years old by just having him at 27 weeks and he was also a premie. It’s just letting us know how god watches over his children and that his angels are here to protect us when we can’t see them and to see that god were looking over your babies. They look so healthy and are adorable god bless!!!

    Awh this brings a whole new meaning to being born again. Your babies are the true meaning of love, life, and much more. Your babies are the most beautiful, sweetest, little bundle of joy I have seen. I pray that they will stay big and strong for you as they grow up and go through life. May god bless you, your children, and your family.

    it’s amazing and wonderful – the gift of life. Such a pitty that some people cannot see that! I admire the parents of the twins – for me they are heroes!

Twins Hunter and Darcy born 22 weeks

The family has created the Facebook page Hunter and Darcy for the twins, who are now nine years old, so those interested can follow their progress.

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  1. Veronica Lowery says:

    This gave me chills and tears. On July 3, 2017 my husband and I lost our precious baby girl because we were only 20 weeks along. They don’t resuscitate at Yale New Haven Hospital at that gestational age. I wish you and your family continued blessings.

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