Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

Episode 109 | The Second Amendment And Outlawing Abortion Is Racist?

A newly released article by Salon titled, “Abortion, racism, and guns: How white supremacy unites the right” claims that racism and white supremacy is the driving force behind the Second Amendment right to bear arms and outlawing abortion. This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, the hosts dive into the article’s claims, the origins of the racist eugenics movement, the suppression of the black vote in America, and more!

Episode 106 |  The Aftermath of The Roe vs Wade Reversal

Episode 106 | The Aftermath of The Roe vs Wade Reversal

June 24th goes down in history as the day that Roe vs Wade was finally reversed. Special guest Sheila Crutcher joins the hosts to discuss the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision, the antics of the left to keep abortion from being outlawed in their area, the violence, and more – all which reveals that the battle over abortion isn’t just a legal battle – but a spiritual battle for the soul of America.

Episode 104 |  Media Stays Silent on Groundbreaking Texas Case

Episode 104 | Media Stays Silent on Groundbreaking Texas Case

The mainstream media remains curiously silent as a man in Texas receives a capital murder sentence in the death of a 5 week old unborn baby. This week on the podcast, the hosts discuss this ground-breaking case and what it could mean for the fight against abortion. Plus, violence escalates as the nation waits for the important Supreme Court decision.