Perspective On The Coronavirus

Perspective On The Coronavirus

Today, we are seeing our nation, and indeed the entire world, being attacked by the Coronavirus. Our environment is changing by the hour and where this is headed only God knows. We must pray for President Trump and the team of medical experts he has put together. But we must also not forget that the…

Counting Down To The New Year

Counting Down To The New Year

In mere hours, the infamous 2020 will be upon us. People around the world are listing their New Years resolutions – like eating more broccoli, getting fit, going to church more, and the list goes on. We at Life Dynamics have just one: to end the slaughter of the unborn in the womb. As we…

How is ISIS harvesting human organs different from abortion industry?

Reports that ISIS might be harvesting human organs from victims promoted one pro-life leader to ask how it’s different than what the abortion industry does? According to CNN, the Iraqi ambassador has suggested that ISIS is now in the business of harvesting human organs from their victims and selling them on the black market in…