Pro-life group mails handcuffs to abortion clinics

A pro-life group based in Chicago, Illinois has sent a “care package” of handcuffs to abortion clinics across the nation. Pro-Life Action League said that each package included a note about the recent arrest of Oklahoma abortionist Nareshkumar Patel along with a pair of plastic handcuffs and a handwritten note from the League’s executive director,…

2 abortion docs quit, Michigan abortionist blames pro-lifers

A letter written by a Michigan abortionist has indicated that two doctors have quit performing abortions after pro-life activists sent them copies of his clinic’s health department survey. Abortionist Jacob Kalo who operates several abortion clinics in the area wrote the letter in November. A copy, obtained by Life Dynamics, reveals that Kalo told the…

Abortionist with sordid history ‘not practicing’ pending investigation

An Oklahoma abortionist is currently not practicing medicine pending an investigation by the medical board. Weeks ago, Life Dynamics reported the arrest of Nareshkumar Patel, an Oklahoma City abortion doctor with a sordid history of sexual abuse and fraud. In early December, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt charged the 62-year-old abortionist with three counts of…

Abortionist arrested after prescribing abortion drugs to patients who weren’t pregnant

Operation Rescue is reporting that police have raided the Outpatient Services for Women abortion clinic in Oklahoma City and have arrested abortionist Nareshkumar Patel for obtaining money from patients under false pretenses based on an undercover investigation by the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt charged the 62-year-old abortionist with three counts…

Priests for Life joins Life Dynamics in calling for abortion doc’s license to be revoked

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life has joined Life Dynamics, Inc., in calling for the revocation of an abortion doc’s medical license after he returned a 12-year-old child to her rapist after he performed an abortion on her. In addition, Life Dynamics is also requesting a criminal investigation. (read here) Help protect…

Late term abortion is a “good parenting act” says abortionist

An abortionist who travels to a clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico has called killing a pre-born child in the womb a “good parenting act” in an effort to explain why she performs abortions weeks after most states restrict the procedure. Abortionist Susan Robinson tells GritTV’s Laura Flanders that she lives in California but travels to…

Abortionist says pro-lifers outside clinic affects business

A Michigan abortion doctor who was forced to close his death mill after his lease was revoked indicated to pro-lifers that their presence outside clinics has a negative affect on a landlord’s decision to lease to abortion providers. Several months ago, pro-lifers in Lansing discovered that the space which the WomanCare abortion clinic leased was…

Pro-life group responds to indictment of abortion doc on child porn charges

November 11, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: “Should we be surprised that an industry which protects men who sexually assault children would include men who sexually assault children?” ~ Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc. Today, Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas has responded to the indictment of an Ohio…